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NRIworld was a web portal that provided a gateway to news and events of interest to Indians living abroad.

It was hugely successful at a time when web portals were popular as a "front page" to interesting articles published online by mainstream media.

The publishers of the website decided to have one special issue in print each year to celebrate the achievements of Indians living abroad. A Type of Magic was tasked with all the editorial responsibilities, including content planning, assigning writers and photographers, editing, design and production.

Much of the magazine was devoted to the cover story, which featured 50 leading personalities that had their roots in India but had made their mark abroad. There were also other articles of interest to this target audience, such as mixed marriages, travel and cricket.

Beautifully produced and printed on high quality glossy stock, these special editions were well received. Unfortunately high shipping costs to a global audience meant only two issues were ever produced, but copies of these special editions continue to pop up on Amazon and eBay even today. 

The media kit, below, makes a play for corporate advertising.

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