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E-publishing with oomph


Digital publishing has truly come of age. From self-indulgent blogs and bandwidth-hogging Flash books (remember those preloaders that seemingly spun forever?), our choices have expanded to include books and magazines on our tablets, newspapers on our phones, fan pages for virtually everything on Facebook, and breaking news on Twitter.

E-publishing, once considered secondary to print, has started to come into its own. Even large publishers now routinely release digital-only titles.

For projects that aren't a good fit for the distribution formats used by Amazon, Apple and Google, there are also rich-media PDFs that can be read by almost anyone with access to a computer.

A Type of Magic helps you pick the right format for your needs, and works with you to take your project from concept to completion. That includes everything from copyediting and proofreading to setup, distribution and marketing.


Wish to discuss a project? Get in touch.

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